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Let's Talk with Under 5s workbook sample image
Let's Talk with Under 5s workbook sample image
Let's Talk with Under 5s workbook sample image

Let's Talk with Under 5s workbook

£15.00 plus postage

This practical book provides information about the development of language and communication and how to recognise young children with speech, language and communication difficulties. It also gives ‘Helpful Hints’ with ideas to promote the speaking and listening skills of all children aged under 5 years but particularly those whose communication development is delayed.

The book has been used for fifteen years as part of a course but Elklan has been asked to make this resource more widely available to parents so that the book can be bought without having to attend any training. It is also suitable for early years practitioners wanting some key information and ideas.

The topics covered are:

  • Knowing all the skills involved in communication and the developmental stages
  • Encouraging appropriate adult-child interaction
  • Developing play for language
  • Helping children develop their understanding of language
  • Promoting the development of vocabulary and use of sentences
  • Thinking about the questions we ask children
  • Sharing books to support language development
  • Helping children with unclear speech and developing pre-reading skills.

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