Mae’r llyfr amhrisiadwy ac ymarefrol hwn yn rhoi cyngor manwl a gweithgareddau i hybu sgiliau siarad a gwrando pob plentyn rhwng 2 a 6 oed. Mae wedi cael ei ddefnyddio’n eang ar draws miloedd o leoliadau ac mae’n galluogi gweithwyr proffesiynol a rhieni i ddeall anawsterau cyfathrebu y mae plant yn eu profi. Mae’n rhoi cyngor perthnasol ac yn llawn syniadau i gefnogi plant ag ystod eang o anawsterau lleferydd ac iaith.
Ymysg y pynciau dan sylw mae:
This invaluable and practical book provides detailed advice and activities to promote the speaking and listening skills of all children aged between 2 and 6 years. It has been widely used across thousands of settings and enables professionals and parents to understand the communication difficulties children experience. It gives relevant advice and is full of lots of ideas to support children with a wide range of speech and language difficulties.
Amongst the topics covered are:
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